Saturday, February 26, 2011

First Games

I played my first 3.5 games with the Dark Eldar last night and I am very pleased with how they preformed.

Game one was a 500pt battle against necrons.  The other player and I were both very new to the game so their were a lot of mistakes and we both didn't do great.  I pretty much just got lucky.

Game 2 was 500 pts of Blood Angels led by Mephestion.  I HATE Mephestion.  He basically killed my whole army single handily with the exception of my archon who, with the help of his clone field and agoniser (and a timely perils of the warp for Mephestion) was able to slaughter the rest of the marines and win the game for me.  A very fun game (despite me forgetting my wyches had +1 strength from combat drugs).

Game 3 was against Necrons again, this time 1000 pts.  The enemies ace in the hole was The Deceiver.  I had watched his previous game against IG and watched him destroy 3 Leman Russ tanks and take almost the whole game to finally bring down.  Needless to say I was worried.  Thankfully ten warriors, with splinter rifles and one splinter cannon, in a raider with splinter wracks, can bring down The Deceiver in one turn (though it took me 2).  Sadly my reaver jetbikes did absolutely nothing and were wiped out first turn due to bad planning on my part, but the Incubi and Archon were able to shred up half the warriors and the lord, and the Ravagers dark lances brought down most of the destroyers causing a phase out.

The last game against Tyranids was quite fun.  At 800 points, I switched things up and brought in the Duke and my trueborns.  The Hive tyrant was not a fan of 29 poison +3 shots from my trueborn and met the same fate as The Deceiver.  An untimely arrival of a large group of genestealers threw a wrench into my plan but they didn't kill enough to not be surrounded by splinter weapons.  Unfortunatly before I could shoot my opponent had to leave (it was 1:30 am)

All in all I am very pleased with my army, and hopefully I'll be able to tune it in even more next time, and use my jetbikes better.

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