Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fluff Update: Character Bios- Laziurel

Name: Laziurel aka “The Clone” aka Laziurel Vect
Occupation: Archon and Hierarch
Gender:  Male
Species:  Eladrith Ynneas
Allegiance:  Kabal of the Gelid Blade
Physical Descript: A physical doppelganger to Vect, save for the appearance of barely visible scars crisscrossing his paper white skin that he amassed during his reckless life.
Personality: Due to his flawed birth, Laziurel has a fractured personality.  Often time he can be described as having a murderous exuberance.  He is almost always smiling and laughing, even while in battle.  Often very wry and showy to a theatrical degree, he acts so unlike a normal Dark Eldar that no one has been able to predict his actions and despite his fractured psyche he is an exceptionally skilled combatant and takes great pleasure “playing with” skilled opponents be them friend of foe.   
He also suffers from bouts of short but terrible depressions and extreme rage, but whether or not this is put on remains in question.
Mandrakes seem to be drawn to Laziurel for some unexplained reason.  They seem to have an unnatural hatred for his existence but never seem to harm him and will often obey him, almost out of necessity.   He himself does not know why he has this effect on the shadow creatures, but he finds it very amusing.  There are three particularly aggressive nightfiends that have made it clear that they wish to possess different parts of Laziurel.  One longs for his innards to add to his robe of flesh, while another would like nothing more than to hold the archons eyes in his hand.  The last wants to replace its own hair with the clones.  They are always hiding in the shadows near their hated prey, wishing to end his life but seemingly unable to do so.  Laziurel treats them as pets and regularly mocks them.  When it seems he is talking to himself, which happens quite often, he may actually be talking to them.
History:  Laziurel’s past is shrouded in much mystery, save for Lady Belila Malak, a former consort of Vect’s and the deranged Haemonculus Vekorian, the self proclaimed “Master of Pain”.  Even he himself does not know the full story of his “birth” if it can even be called that.   Malak and Vekorian never speak of the events that transpired for fear it may reach the ears of Asdubael Vect.
Laziurel has no mother or father.  He was artificially grown by Vekorian, using the blood of Asdrubael Vect, stolen by Lady Malak.  The price she paid the twisted Haemonculus was steep but here goal was a lofty one, to create a perfect clone of the supreme overlord that she could control and use to take Commorragh for herself.  She knew if Vect were to  die The Dark City would collapse in on itself, but with her “Vect” as a stand in, it would appear that Vect was still very much in charge but in reality she would be pulling all the strings.
Unfortunately for Malak something did not go as planned.  Whether it was simply because there was not enough genetic material to use as a base, or if Vect added a failsafe to his blood incase such an attempt was ever to take place no one knows for sure but the “clone,” once completed was unimpressive to say the least.  Scared, gaunt and weak but as Malak and Vekorian would soon discover, not helpless, as the pathetic life form vaulted over a group of wracks and escaped into the depths of Commorragh and most likely to his death.
Years later he resurfaced and was found by Malak.  He was no longer thin and helpless.  He spent those years killing and feeding off the pain of his fellow elder and had become a physical doppelganger to Vect.  His personality however was not the same as his “brothers.”  While Vect was cruel and cunning, his clone, named Laziurel by Malak, had an air of murderous exuberance.  To him life was a game.  He didn’t have the normal fear of death that most of the Dark Elder race shared, and took many unnecessary risks, often very theatrically, always with a smile on his face and laughter in the air.
Laziurel eventually went on to single handedly infiltrated the Incubi temple, The Gelid Blade and slew the Hierarch, taking the title for himself.  He then “borrowed” a small armada from Malak and began the Kabal of the Gelid Blade. 
He is currently recruiting generals for his armies and has been forming alliances with the wych cult of the Bloody Kiss and the Haemonculi coven of the Melded Flesh, along with hellion gangs and an army of trueborns, called “The Vyper Wyrms,” led by the Archduke of Mazada, the Venovingian.

Kabal Description:
The Gelid Blade is a fairly new and lesser known kabal, having only been formed sometime in M38.  It is named for the former incubi temple that now acts as the kabal’s home. 
The Gelid Blade is located in the Mazada region of Commorragh, a large valley that was originally built as a storage facility for the elder race when it was in its prime.  However due to webway instability it was abandoned.  The area is now flooded with ice and dust drawn into into the realm by cyclones that reach into real-space, sucking in shards of ice, the size of djin blades from an impenetrable ring of ice meteors.  The brutal valley is surrounded on all sides by a forest of jagged stone needles carved into the landscape by the swirling ice storms.  In the center of the massive valley the Gelid Blade rises up from the ice fields like an enormous klaive buried hilt first into the ground.
The Kabal has had several bloody encounters with 2 separate ork WAAAGHS!!! and has been a thorn in the side of both the Blood Angels and Imperial Fists chapters, always being just fast enough to escape with their prey.   

The armor of the warriors of the Gelid Blade is a deep, dark blue that glistens ice blue in even the smallest glint of light. Their fabric is the color of freshly spilled blood while their insignias and squad markings are often a bright glowing green and are the only things their unfortunate victims ever see during their night raids besides their gleaming fiery orange eye lenses.
The Kabal is well known for personalizing their transports and other vehicles.

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